

The Second School of Medicine

The Second School of Medicine

The history of Second Clinical Medicine Faculty (SCMF): In 2000, Medicine Faculty of Zhejiang TCM College was established. In 2004, Zhejiang Provincial Xinhua Hospital was incorporated into SCMC, in which the school-running mode of hospital-faculty unity was performed. In 2006, with renaming to university and reconstitution of school, SCMF of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University was established.


Generally, SCMF undertakes the education and management to the Clinical Medicine undergraduates, the management to Oral Medicine undergraduates, the enrolling and cultivation to masters from 26 majors and doctors from 10 majors of Clinical Medicine, TCM, and Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine. SCMC maintains 1100 full-time students, including 849 undergraduates, 233 masters, and 18 doctors. There’re more than 30 courses, 16 teaching and research sections, 1 clinical skill training centre, and 10 professional laboratories pertaining to SCMC. Among the labs, the Clinical Psychology training lab is the key lab of ‘Zhejiang fiscal construction program’. There’re an OSCE standardized test station, a 1600 M2 teaching experimental centre, 247 teaching experimental instruments worth more than 11,500,000 RMB, and more than 20 training hospitals above Grade 3 throughout the Zhejiang Province.

There’re 960 staffs in the college, including the staffs of Xinhua Hospital. Among them, there’re 140 staffs with senior professional titles, 16 with doctor degree, 133 with master degree, 16 doctoral tutors, 90 master tutors, 2 provincial famous TCM doctors, 5 selected into the ‘151 talents program’ of Zhejiang Province, and 1 middle-young aged academic leader of Zhejiang Provincial universities. In the recent 5 years, SCMC undertook 6 national and 15 provincial scientific research projects, acquired scientific research prizes of 5 provincial and 14 bureau-level, and published 150 papers and 7 textbooks.

Copyright ? 2011 Zhejiang Chinese Medical University